Friday 18 January 2013

You have to admit this shit is way better than some stupid chair cover in ribbons and toile

I’m always in awe of  DIYourselfers. No so much the people who can sew a quilt out of old concert t-shirts, make their own all natural deodorant or build a hairband holder out of an old wooden frame. Those people piss me off because when they post a pic of some craft they completed with “Nailed It” written as a caption, you just want to punch them in the esophagus for their smugness, especially when you know full well that if you attempted to knit your own candle cozies there would be a lot of swearing, vodka and furniture-kicking…and would likely end with an unlucky family member getting stabbed in the thigh with a knitting needle when they had the audacity to ask ‘what the hell is that supposed to be??”

No, the DIY people I admire are the ones who stray far away from what would be consider normal in polite society and create shit like this:

Beaver Babies (by ) Because what better way to teach you kids about the facts of life than with felt vaginas? I particularly love the pubic hair detail...inspired!!

While I'm really not sure if this is supposed to be a viking helmet or a Satan mask, who gives a shit because IT'S MADE OUT Of BACON!!!

Huge props to whoever came up with this costume's takes massive balls(or is that ovaries??) to walk around  a party dressed like a giant used maxi pad

Not only is this underwear, but it's an emergency snack! Or a sex toy for  the beef jerky fetish community


  1. I do love me some beef jerky, but I'm not sure I could bring myself to that level...

    1. While they look kinda cool, I'm not sure I'd want to walk around wearing meat underpants...I think they'd be scratchy and start to smell before too long

  2. I laughed so hard at the maxi pad costume that I gave myself a headache. That's freaking hilarious! I always admire people with that much creativity too. They're usually twisted mofo's, and I, of course, am drawn to those types of weirdos.

    Can you imagine wearing beef jerky panties? What if you were at ComiCon (I'm assuming that's the only acceptable place to wear those outside of a bear-sex fetish party?), and the heat got turned up REALLY high, then the thermostat broke? Your jer-panties would get all wilty, and possibly slide right off while you're walking. I guess at least your farts would smell like teriyaki yum yum...

    1. I kinda want to do the maxi pad costume for next Halloween...not only would it totally gross people out but I'd be walking around with a built-in mattress for when I got too drunk and passed out lol

      I'd be more scared of being mauled by a pack of hungry dogs while wearing the jerky panties

  3. I can spend hours watching DIY videos on YouTube.

    NINJA ZX-14 MotoVlog

    1. I like the whole idea of DIY projects...but actually DOING one would likely end in disaster for me...unless it involved ductape and a stapler :D

  4. Wow! Thanks for giving Beaver Babies a shout out! I saw that maxi pad costume at Halloween and wanted to do it sooo bad but my husband was mortified! Maybe next year?

    1. You're welcome! I think they're brilliant and disturbing and cute all at once
