Thursday, 21 February 2013

Theme Thursday: Redneck Ingenuity

When you hear the word "redneck" what usually comes to mind is a shotgun-toting, beer-swilling, beard-wearing simpleton with bad dental work and a jacked-up truck with a confederate flag duct-taped to the back window. While in some cases this is a completely accurate description, I think rednecks often get a bad rap, especially intelligence-wise. I know a lot of rednecks and I can tell you, while some of them may not be able to explain String Theory, nobody can beat a redneck when it comes to ingenious solutions.

Today's Thursday Theme is to write about something we love. And what I love is redneck's part MacGyver, part Da Vinci and part beer-induced genuis. Sometimes the true elegance lies in how simple it is...taking objects and refashioning them into something else. Like upcycling, except the finished product often looks like hell. But it works.

See what I mean? Redneck ingenuity at it's finest.

Please click on the button to visit the other Theme Thursday participants!


  1. Ha! Those remind me of what I will now refer to as my redneck shed. Search my blog for "My Halloween/Sandy Saga" for a pic and an explanation. Also, I built mine (outside) during a hurricane, so there's that.

    1. Hahaha...I went and read that post...that was the best tarp fort ever!!

  2. I have been too hard on rednecks. Thanks for showing me the error of my ways! My brother is a redneck and has made several ingenious problem solving ventures through the years.

    1. I have several hardcore redneck friends and when it comes to creative-yet-bizarre solutions/inventions, they are fucking geniuses!

  3. Now THAT is my kind of humor! You could host a link party just with pictures like this. They never get old! You know, the hot tub one concerns me. Looks a lot like a pot of people stew. Gross.

    1. I have a pinterest board devoted to the wonder of rednecks...they are awesome!

      Yeah, the people-soup thing kinda grosses me out too lol

  4. ha! those are awesome! I agree with Lucy though on the "people stew" - that's a little disturbing.

    1. Totally! I love sitting in in a hot tub but I cannot let myself think about all the cooties and shit floating around in there

  5. Hahaha! love the people cooking themselves! J/K it's clever ;p

  6. I love a good Redneck joke. My aunt is from West Virginia and we used to tease her a lot. Every Thanksgiving we'd get her with a one two punch of Redneck jokes. She loved it. ;)

    1. Redneck jokes are awesome...right up there with blonde jokes!

  7. Nice, though no way is that limo street legal!
    I loved the things we ghetto rigged in the past. In college we made a hot tub with a plastic kiddie pool and amhose connected to the water heater

    1. I think "legal" is a foreign concept to a redneck

      Ghetto rigging is an art form for sure
