Sunday 14 April 2013

Writing frenzy, soul-stealing book covers and Liebsters

I wrote my A to Z Challenge posts for next week and managed to knock off M thru R in one long frenzied, session of writing, googling and bitching. I'm super-paranoid that if I don't have the weeks posts done before Sunday night, I am doomed to fail this challenge, due to high levels of laziness and procrastination. So I'm ready for this week and have 7 days before I fly into a panic again. I've gotten way behind in visiting everyone's blogs and I'm blaming all other forms of social media, my work schedule and Garry Rodgers for that.

Who is Garry Rodgers? He's a retired Vancouver RCMP Homicide Detective and forensics coroner who wrote an awesome book "No Witnesses to Nothing", that I spent a fair amount of my spare time devouring this week. It's based on a true crime story, with a supernatural twist and involves the RCMP, Hell's Angels, a drug-trafficking organization, a  criminal conspiracy that goes back 25 years, the mystery behind the deaths of 2 informants, shamanism and the Kushtaka,a soul-stealing supernatural being. It's a great story, full of lots of twists and wtf-moments, but what makes this book really amazing is how much of it is based on things that really happened with actual people, and how much of it makes you question the dichotomy of good and evil, what the soul really is (and there is a really interesting explanation for that in the book) and what happens after death. Also, that a lot of this happened in Vancouver and on Vancouver Island where I live makes it extra interesting for me. The book's editor is one of my boss's clients and she lent me a copy, but I will be buying a copy of my own because there is so much detail and twistiness, I need to read it again. Two thumbs very high up, and I suggest you give it a read
I will admit the Kushtaka mask on the book cover freaked me out enough that when I read it before bed, I had to move it to the living room and put it facedown on the table before I could go to sleep. Something in those glowing red eyes scared the shit out of me and convince me it will steal my soul while I'm sleeping

Also, I got nominated twice this week for a Liebster award, by taochild and Ruby Wilbur and I thank them both! Since the Liebster is a chain-mail award type thing and you have to answer questions, give facts about yourself and come up with questions that the people you nominate have to answer, I'm going to wait until A to Z is over to do it. That also gives me time to come up with some highly inappropriate questions and answers :D


  1. That book sounds really cool. You are doing way better than me if you already have your week done. I cant even blame a good book for my laziness.

    1. It's an awesome soon as I finished it I googled some of the people in the book, the Williams Organization and the incident at Teslin much of it's true, t's interesting to try to figure out where the facts stop and the fictionalized parts begin...and how much of the fictionalized stuff really IS true. It's a bit of a mindbender

  2. Three times! I just Liebster'ed you. Yep, I just made that a verb, y'all.

    1. Damn you, woman!! You do know I'm going to Liebster you's like tag, you're it!

  3. Also, I totally want to read that demon looking book but I'm going to need a picture of cute puppies plastered over the evil soul stealing freak monster on the cover. AND, again with all of your posts ready for next week?! I got nothin'.

    1. I can barely look at the cover, the eyes freak me out

      The only thing that compels me to pre-write is fear..apparently I'm operating under the delusion that the blogging police will arrest me for failing A to Z lol

  4. The book sounds awesome, thank you for the heads up! Happy A to Z'ing! :)

  5. Okay, I'm suitable impressed! I'm just working on 'M' as we speak...we are on M aren't we? The days are beginning to blur into one.

    That sounds like my kinda book, gonna check it out now...damn, I'm supposed to be working on a blog post, aren't I?
    And congrats on your well deserved awards. :)

    1. Yep, today is M...and I hear you about the days blurring...I'm at the point I don't know what day it is, just what letter I'm on

      It's a great book and it will totally suck up all your time!

      Thank you :)

  6. that book sounds gooooood!! I got nothing for next week.

  7. This sounds like the type of book I would get totally sucked into and since I am a slow reader, I would miss out on everything else, so it has to wait to after atoz for me :)


    1. It's also one of those books that require full attention, because there's so much going on, I was losing track of who was doing what
