Thursday, 21 March 2013

The Big Reveal 2013

Ten days from now I will be starting my first A-Z Blogging Challenge and today is the Big Reveal, where I stun and amaze you with my A-Z theme. Although anyone who knows me fairly well will not be stunned or amazed by my theme choice, for reasons that will probably be apparent by the time we get to the letter G.

When considering a theme, my criteria was this: 1) I have no criteria because I've never done this challenge before.

Shit. Theme criteria is probably important. I haven't even started and already I'm fucking this up.

So in lieu of making an intelligent decision based on anything logical, I figured I should go with my strengths. And since I excel at complaining, especially complaining about small and stupid things that most people don't waste 20 seconds even thinking about, let alone spending ridiculous amounts of time building an internal rage over things like eggplant (hands down, the #2 most stupid vegetable on the planet...can't tell you what #1 is because it's on my list, so you'll get to read that particular rant in April), it seemed the best choice

So without further ado, I present my official A-Z Blogging Challenge Theme for 2013...

I found this pic on a friend's fb wall and immediately informed him it was PERFECT for my challenge theme and I was stealing it immediately. Thanks Wade! And thank you Roz idea who you are, but if you wrote an entire book about shit you hate, the chances are extremely high we would get along very well
My aim is to spend 26 days bitching about things I find highly annoying, in a humourous way. Certain things on my list are things I hate in general or on principle, while other things are more along the lines of wtf because the topic seems fairly un-hateable, but there is something specific about those things that makes me hop aboard the train to Angerville and Annoyancetown. I will also be doing a rating system about each topic because some things make me go nuclear but others merely make me annoyed and I thought it would be interesting to see how much or little these same things annoy you.

If you have also joined in the A-Z madness you should head over to Mina Lobo's blog where The Big Reveal is taking up and see what everyone else's theme is.

Don't know what The A-Z blogging Challenge is? Head over here for more info and sign up

See you in April!


  1. Oh Wow that sounds so entertaining! I definitely have to come back by for this one! :D

    Jamie Dement (LadyJai)

  2. hahaha... I think we all have those things we hate! it would be so interesting to find yours!

  3. I could definitely fill up a month of bitching about things I hate. lmao!

  4. LOVE this theme!!! And cant wait to hear all of your moans and bitchings!

    This is also my very first A-Z challenge!

    Jodie x

  5. I love a good bitch fest. And don't get me started on eggplants. *shakes fist* Excellent theme, I'll be back. :D

    1. what has eggplant ever done to you? diversify, live and let live!!

  6. grunts and moaning... that's my life! I am in!!

    Jeremy [Retro] #66
    AtoZ Challenge Co-Host
    Oh No, Let's Go... Crazy

  7. I sure hope H is for Hot Flashes cuz i hate them.

  8. Should be an interesting counterpoint to my theme, as I'm doing My Favorite Things! LOL
    Wouldn't it be awesome if at some point we had the same thing for a letter. That would be hysterical. Especially if that letter is K, because I can totally see people taking issue with it since it's a guilty pleasure for me.

  9. Oh yes, I knew that picture looked familiar. And if you get stuck, I'm sure Wade can help you out.

  10. LOL, this should be entertaining.

  11. Hi there! Sounds like a month chock full of some good, snarky fun! Thanks for swinging by my blog and saying hi. See you 'round the A to Z linky. ~Tui

  12. ROTFLMAO, "Angerville and Annoyancetown." HAH!!! Love it! :-D

  13. Sounds like this is going to be fun - I will look forward to it :)

  14. Nice! This sounds like fun...can't wait!

  15. Things I hate sure is unique. I love the idea. I am a new subscriber.
